Completion Certificates and Prizes

Certificate: To receive The certificate of successful participation at the Online Systems Vision Science Summer School, you need to gain 50% of the total points and attend all the lectures and participate in the symposium.

Prize: We will award two prizes based on the points earned: one for the highest overall points, and the other for the highest combined points from exercises and Slack channel activity.

Point Gaining Scheme

Lecture Attendance (40% of the total of the total grading points)

Quizes (30% of the total grading points): Online quizzes containing multiple-choice and short-answer questions.

Slack Channel Activity (15% of the total grading points): It’s very important that you join discussions in the Slack channel, learn actively together, and help others. So, don’t be shy—participate in the Slack channel, as we’re here to learn together. This will include, but is not limited to, asking questions, answering others’ questions, sharing papers you’re fascinated by, and sharing related fun stuff.

Exercises (15% the of the total grading points): You will gain points based on the solutions you post in the Slack channel. Please share your solution for each exercise in the reply thread of the respective exercise within the Slack channel. The warm-up exercise won’t be graded; however, the subsequent exercise will build on it. Please complete it by the end of May 14th

Summer School Timetable

May 8th — May 14th Warm-up exercise A very brief introduction of what is known about vision experimentally
May 15th — May 21st Exercise 1 A very brief introduction of what is known about

vision experimentally (part 1)

May 22nd — May 28th Exercise 2 A very brief introduction of what is known about

vision experimentally (part 2)

May 29th — June 4th Exercise 3 Preparation exercises for “the Efficient coding principle” summer school lectures
June 5th — June 11th
Exercise 4 The efficient coding principle (part 1)
June 12th — June 18th
Quiz 1 The efficient coding principle (part 1)
Before Lecture
1 on June 19th
Deadline to complete
watching videos on efficient coding principle chapter 1 to 6
The efficient coding principle (part 1)
June 19th/ 4-6 p.m. German
Lecture 1 The efficient coding principle (part 1)
June 20th — June 26th Quiz 2 The efficient coding principle (part 2)
June 22nd/  4-6 p.m. German Time Tutorial 1 Preparation exercises for “the Efficient coding principle” summer school lectures
Before Lecture
2 on June 26th
Deadline to complete
watching on efficient coding principle
The efficient coding principle (part 2)
June 26th/ 4-6 p.m. German
Lecture 2 The efficient coding principle (part 2)
June 26th — July 3rd Quiz 3 Visual attention and V1 Saliency Hypothesis
June 26th — July 3rd Exercise 5 Visual attention and V1 Saliency Hypothesis
June 29th/ 4-6 p.m. German Time Student Social with Presentations
Before Lecture
3 on July 3rd
Deadline to complete
watching videos on Visual
attention and V1 Saliency
Visual attention and V1 Saliency Hypothesis
July 3rd/ 4-6 p.m. German Time Lecture 3 Visual attention and V1 Saliency Hypothesis
July 4th – July 10th Quiz 4 Visual decoding or recognition
July 3rd – July 10th Exercise 6 Visual decoding or recognition
July 6th/ 4-6 p.m. German Time Tutorial 2 Visual attention and V1 Saliency Hypothesis
Before Lecture
4 on July 10th
Deadline to complete
watching videos on Visual
decoding or recognition
Visual decoding or recognition
July 10th/ 4-6 p.m. German Time Lecture 4 Visual decoding or recognition
July 11th/ 4-6 p.m. German Time Seminar TBD
July 12th/3-7 p.m. German Time Symposium

Feedback and Suggestions

Your feedback is highly valuable to us, as we want to make the summer school as good as possible, so
please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions about the current plan.