It takes place from Monday, August 11 until Friday, August 22, 2025 in Tübingen. The symposium will start Wednesday, August 20, 2025. The summer school and the symposium will be held at the Max-Planck-Campus (Max-Planck-Ring 4-12, 72076 Tübingen).

In total, we have capacity for 30 people and 5 additional master students from University of Tuebingen.

  • You need to apply via e-mail (see application procedure here) by filling a form as well as providing the necessary proofs and a reference letter if you are not yet a faculty member or a postdoctoral with a sufficient publication record (in such a case please give your CV and google scholar page). We then choose amongst all applicants up to 30 participants.

  • Students of the University of Tuebingen who want to get credit points for the event have a different application procedure. Please have a look at ALMA (link will be provided later)

The fees will be 700 € and covers cost including coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on weekdays, and other summer school operations. Travel costs, accommodation and other expenses during your stay in Tübingen need to be managed and covered on your own.

Fees are due to Monday, May 15, 2023 by bank transfer. We unfortunately cannot accept credit card payment. You can find the bank details on your invoice.

You need to cover your travel costs yourself.

Yes, you need to find accomodation yourself, but we have added suggestions of accomodation in Tuebingen here.

During the summer school, lunch and dinner will be provided by us during the weekdays of the summer school. You need to organize your breakfast yourself as well as meals during the weekend.

No, but we encourage you to bring a poster of your work/one of your projects. The posters will be put up and can be discussed during the evenings and break times during the whole duration of the event. We will also organize student presentation sessions for you to present orally your interests and works.

Yes, please bring a laptop (with some pre-installed programs such as matlab and python). We will provide more information after successful application.

Yes, if you are not a faculty member or a postdoc with a sufficient publication record (in such a case, the reference letter can be substituted by your CV and a google scholar page) during your application. The reference letter is due on March, 31st, 2025.

When you study in Tuebingen, you are welcome to apply. However, special rules apply, please refer to ALMA to see specifications. Some study programs will grant credit points for successful attendance of the Systems Vision Summer School and Symposium. Please have a look at ALMA.

We have invited a group of fantastic researchers and leading scientists in vision science.

We will also call for participation and contribution to the symposium, so there will be other participants, some are also presenting as contributors.

The Systems Vision Summer School starts on the morning of Monday, August 11, 2025. The summer school/symposium ends on the evening of Friday, August 22, 2025.

Please refer to our Travel & Accomodation page.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide an airport transfer. However, Tuebingen can be reached from the airport by taxi (around 75€), by bus or by train. Please refer to our Travel & Accommodation page.

Yes, after successful participation at the Systems Vision Summer School and Symposium, you will get a certificate of attendance.

Yes, you can also attend the symposium only. For that, you can submit a contribution and/or register to the Systems Vision Science Symposium. The call for contribution and registration to the symposium (Aug. 20-22) will be sent out in spring 2025.

Yes, you can register to the Systems Vision Science Symposium without own contribution until capacity or deadline for organization is reached.

You have to clarify with your own university, if they can grant you credit points for participation in our summer school.

Feel free to send us an e-mail to